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doorways into Mystery

a most unique opportunity for you:
 A customized, One on One voyage into mystery. . . 


your own!

Is your life in need of great change?

Are you needing a fast track to meaning in the world and purpose in your days?

Are you stuck and wondering why you are here? 


Then this IS the life changing opportunity

you've been secretly waiting for!!

Join Jade Sherer, a soul guide with 23 years of experience, for an

intensive multi-dimensional custom experience in the Sedona area...

you will return home with a new perspective and a new lease on life while carrying a deep well of meaning inside.


"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.”   ~ J. R. Tolkien

The world's page desperately needs to turn from the horrors and hardships of the last years to something worth living for.

the people are realizing it is time to take matters into our own hands.

We MUST do our internal work. . . take the leap. . . step in . . .

tell the truth and make change...for the sake of the planet, our children and our own hearts and souls.

in this new offering Jade is offering you a one of a kind intensive,

designed for you, uniquely.

She will sculpt a 3-5 day, one on one time out of time for you to dive in, allow the burning of old ways that are obstacles, and then

rise as the phoenix for the sake of life itself!



Jade starts with a conversation

so that she can hear where you are,

sense into what is most needed,

and intuit what the best way

forward might be.      

between Jade's years of experience as a

nature-based soul guide and her team of highly experienced teachers, body workers,

medicine people, astrologers and "magicians",

she will put together a potent and sacred experience designed exactly to catapult you into the world with your genius and purpose intact!


Prepare to submit yourself to the

mysterious lands surrounding

Sedona Arizona!    

These lands are steeped in elder

 wisdom and will mirror you bountifully! 

You will be  held by your guide in the container of a lovely bed and breakfast

with some delicious meals provided. 

These days will be powerful deep dives. . .  .  transformational feats.

Will you dare to lay yourself on the altar of your true nature and alter your life forever?


Will you dare to quit running from life and turn to face what is yours to face

in order to bring your gifts to the world?

once Jade speaks with you the dates will be configured ....then comes the design, the length (generally between 3-5 days), and all the exceptional components in addition to Jade's thorough guidance!  Jade will select the perfect lodging that will be adjacent to wild lands where you will wander as a part of your deep inquiry into your life.  And once all the pieces are gathered a pricing structure will be laid out.  Generally the cost is all inclusive and can range from $2500-$5000.

Your life depends on it. 

if you choose to acquire your own accommodations and meals. prices will be adjusted accordingly.  Travel to and from the area is not included.

"To know this spot of inwardness is to know who we are, not by surface markers of identity, not by where we work or what we wear or how we like to be addresssd, but by feeling our place in relation to the Infinite and by inhabiting it. ...the nature of becoming is a constant filming over of where we begin, while the nature of being is constant erosion of what is not essential. Each of us lives in the midst of this ongoing tension, growing tarnished or covered over, only to be worn back to the incorruptible spot of grace at our core."  ~Mark Nepo

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